Nirvana Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine in Deerfield, Illinois, is a naturopathic and traditional Chinese medicine practice that takes a holistic and natural approach to patient care. Under the direction of Lana Moshkovich, DACM, L.Ac, Nirvana Naturopathics uses traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and herbology along with modern technologies to help patients achieve their health and wellness goals, treating a wide range of concerns, including chronic allergy conditions, pain, fertility, and esthetics.
The team at Nirvana Naturopathics provides compassionate and comprehensive care for men and women of all ages and needs, devising personalized treatment plans that help improve all aspects of their life, from health to mood and stress.
The naturopathic and traditional Chinese medicine practice offers many holistic treatments, including acupuncture and acupressure, NAET, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, PhotoBioModulation (PBM) therapy, weight loss reduction, cupping, and gua sha for athlets and pain. The team also offers nutrition counseling, allergy treatment, cosmetic Acupuncture, microneedling and personalized supplement and herbal regimens.
Dr. Moshkovich was was recognized as a top doctor in 2024.
Dr. Moshkovich is dedicated to furthering her expertise. Click here to view a list of the recent seminars that she has attended.
Dr. Moshkovich and her team at Nirvana Naturopathics are focused on restoring balance to promote a healthy and happy life for all their patients. Learn more about Dr. Moshkovich here.
For more information, please visit our Youtube Channel